Our National Clothing Store staff pride themselves on going above and beyond. For long-term employees on our Defence contracts, tenure isn't the only mark of their long history in serving Defence.  

Defence Challenge Coins are given out by senior officers, Commanding Officers or Regimental Sergeants Major (RSMs) who want to recognsie troops for exceptional service. While primarily used between Defence personnel, Senior Officers and RSMs can also honor a civilian with this unique token of appreciation for a job well-done.  

Our Clothing Store employees provide service to all levels of the Australian Defence Force and special service can be rewarded with one of these coins. Most recently staff at the ADFA Clothing Store in Canberra were invited to the Chief of Navy's office, VADM Mark Hammond, to measure him for new jackets. Following taking his measurements, he presented them with his personal Challenge Coin for their commitment to customer service given his busy schedule didn't allow him to come to the store in person to present the coin.  

The coin they were presented with.  


Kim Curran, Team Leader from Robertson Barracks in Darwin has been working in the Defence Clothing Industry for 21 years. She is very proud to display her Challenge Coin collection with a jacket she was gifted from a USA Airforce Pilot 18 years ago.  

She has over 39 coins from countries including the United States, Japan and Korea as well as over 100 different patches and a pair of Mirage Jet pins that were given to her by a French Pilot.

Kim says, "It is such a great honor to receive these coins and tokens for excellence in customer service - which tells me I am doing my job well."  

There are many memories associated with these coins. The first one I ever received was from a pilot that flew a Stealth Bomber that landed at RAAF Base Darwin for refueling. He had torn his flight suit, so I arranged to have it repaired. There are only two of these coins in Australia.

Sarah Lloyd, Jeffrey Smith and Di Daniels from ADFA in Canberra with VADM Mark Hammond 


Each of the coins that I have been given hold their own memory and will always hold a special place in my heart.

We have provided logistic services to Defence for 30 years, applying expert knowledge to meet unique functional needs. Our people are proud to serve Defence and contribute to Australia's national identity with the care and expertise the provide at the Clothing Stores.  


Top image: Kim Curran, Team Leader from Robertson Barracks in Darwin shows her impressive coin collection.