We have been awarded a two-year extension to our community facilities management contract across Tahi and Wha regions with Auckland Council. The contract is valued at approximately AU$140 million over two years.
General Manager Local Government Katie James says their client focus along with a commitment to delivering on sustainability objectives has helped ensure the contract team is redefining service excellence for the client.
The team is always seeking opportunities to engage with the communities in which we work, to find ways to improve our operations environmentally, and to seek out innovative ways to deliver services.
The team's client focus along with a commitment to delivering on sustainability objectives has helped ensure the contract team is redefining service excellence for the client.
"With large areas of New Zealand impacted by wild weather this year, our team kept people safe and helped get things back to normal through close collaboration with our client, our subcontractors and our communities."
"This is just one example of the ways we are providing value to our client."
A continued relationship
General Manager, Parks and Community Facilities Taryn Crewe says that Auckland Council is looking forward to continuing the relationship with Ventia.
We've been pleased to see the focus on continuous improvement from Ventia, and the way they seek opportunities to innovate across technology and processes, to lower carbon emissions, deliver services more efficiently, and benefit the local communities.
The initial contract commenced in July 2017 and was expanded in 2019 to include further services to Auckland Council.
The initial contract commenced in July 2017 and sees Ventia deliver full facilities management services including maintenance of Council's assets such as parks, buildings and community facilities such as libraries, tracks and hard surfaces, community halls and swimming pools, as well as sports field renovations.
From April 2019, the contract expanded to include a range of additional streetscape services including vegetation control, town centre cleaning, litter collection, street furniture maintenance, bus shelter cleaning, and litter bin emptying. The contract also includes a range of minor capital works projects across the two regions.