Supporting a greener future through complex problem solving is at the heart of our environmental team's industry leading capability.
So, it was great to be able share insights and expertise with leaders in the remediation industry at the ALGA ecoforum2021. In addition to engaging in conversations about the key challenges and solutions for the remediation industry, some of our best engineering minds shared their expertise at the event.
Tina Lien, Matthew Clutterham and John Hunt shared insightful presentations with solutions that are applicable not just for today, but also for the future.
Our team were also delighted to be recognised alongside our client partner Jemena and the technical support teams of WSP, Geosyntec Senversa, as we took home a number of awards at the event.
Most notably Ventia's Dr. Sven Barthelme - Design Manager, was recognised with the Inaugural John Pym Award for Individual Engineering Excellence. John Pym was the NSW Govt. Engineer who had oversight of the Sydney Olympics Remediation Program.
Congratulations to our presenters and award winners for a successful event!