L to R: Fleur Barlow , David Thewlis, Derek Smith, Josh Smith, John Hepworth, Paul Marshall, Jamie Magyar, Shane Golding, Shane Angell. In front Colin Anderson, John Parisella and Misty-Spring Grant.

In our effort to redefine service excellence, Ventia is not afraid to serve Australia even in the face of crisis.

Our employees showed brave and continued efforts during the bushfires of 2019-2020, and are being honoured for their efforts by the National Emergency Medal Committee.

To honour those who greatly contribute to controlling national emergencies, the National Emergency Medal committee awards these individuals with a medal in recognition of their hard work and sacrifice for Australia. More than 40 Ventia (Broadspectrum) employees have earned these medals in their assistance during the bushfires from 2019-2020. 

When an event is declared a National Emergency by the National Emergency Medal Committee, individuals can be nominated for their contributions to society in relation to the emergency. Relevant organisations or members of the public are able to nominate individuals for the National Emergency Medal.

L to R: Tony Nixon, Ian Bailey, Chris Dunn, Glenn Adams, Michael Johnstone, Greg McMillan, GPCAPT Russell Box, Brian McDonald

There are two types of National Emergency Medals: significant medals, and sustained medals. Sustained service medals are awarded to those who assisted for a certain length of service in specific locations, while significant service medals are awarded to those who showed extraordinary service but were not bound to specific service lengths and locations.

Our employees were honoured with sustained medals for various contributions to protecting Australians from the bushfires. Notable operations were based out of RAAF Base East Sale, including:

  • Fire and Rescue services: we assisted in supporting civilian firefighting assets when deployed to Bairnsdale Airport, and offered direct fire support at RAAF East Sale for deployed and visiting military aviation assets.
  • Aviation Refuelling: we offered direct refuelling support to various aircrafts and assisted with fuel deliveries.
  • Base Maintenance: we assisted in sourcing, installation, and maintenance of new and existing assets at East Sale in support of operations.

L to R: National Manager Colin Anderson and Regional Manager Misty-Spring Grant

Misty-Spring Grant, Ventia’s regional manager for aircraft and rescue firefighting says, “To say I am feeling proud of the team I work with is an understatement."

The whole Ventia team in collaboration with Defence worked so hard in devasting circumstances and truly deserve this honour.

Congratulations to all those who received this esteemed award.