After more than 4,000 laps and plenty of sore muscles, our Infrastructure Services team has helped to raise almost $11,000 for the Starlight Foundation.
Taking part in the Starlight Super Swim, the team covered more than 223km and more importantly helped to raise awareness and much needed funds for the Starlight Express Rooms. These rooms provide a medical-free haven for sick kids and their families seeking a welcome break from the relentless cycle of medical treatments and procedures.
The team swum under the team name of 'Baru' which was a massive crocodile from the Miocene of northern Australia and was one of the largest of the mekosuchines (an extinct group of Australasian crocodiles). The Miocene is a period from about 24 to 5 million years ago when the climate was warmer than it had been in the previous period and kelp forests and grasslands first developed.
Andrew Draper (pictured above) who is the Ventia General Manager Strategy and Development Water said that the fundraiser was a great way to build team spirit and raise much needed funds for a worthy cause.
"We were looking for a charity that had a link to water, being an industry we are a big part of, and Starlight does such great work it seemed like an ideal fit," he said.
"Everyone jumped into the challenge enthusiastically which was great to see.
"Turns out we have some champion swimmers in our organisation so that helped to get the distance up too!"
Overall, across Australia, participants in the Super Swim covered more than 232,000km and raised more than $2 million helping over 50,000 kids along the way.