It was an inspiring effort between Karratha Senior High School students, local Elders, Star and Clontarf Foundation and artists from Juluwarla Art Group to create the stunning artwork for Ventia’s new Reconciliation Action Plan.

The artwork, titled ‘Connections’ depicts the landscape, sea, its plentiful bush tucker and bush medicine that has nourished the peoples of this land for over 60,000 years.

Karratha High Senior High School Principal Ashley Eversden said the school was honoured to be a part of Ventia’s reconciliation journey.

"We are grateful to Ventia for their support and for their commitment to reconciliation.

“This artwork is a symbol of our shared commitment to continue building a more inclusive and equitable community.”

Chair of Ventia’s Indigenous Advisory Board, Eddie Fry, who attended the launch events in Karratha and Melbourne, said reconciliation was a critical part of building a better future for all Australians.

Reconciliation is not an easy or straight-forward process. But it’s essential that we work together to create a better future for our children and grandchildren.

“I am proud to be a part of Ventia’s reconciliation journey and I am excited to see what we can achieve together.”

Ventia’s Reconciliation Action Plan

Our commitment to Indigenous Participation and reconciliation is highlighted through our Reconciliation Action Plan, endorsed by Reconciliation Australia in September 2023.

Through our RAP we aim to create and support equitable outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. We are doing this by building strong relationships, respecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in all of our activities, and creating meaningful opportunities. Our actions are guided by the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to preserve and protect cultures and customs.

Launching our latest Reconciliation Action Plan in Melbourne, we were fortunate to have Uncle Ringo Terrick, a local Aboriginal elder, share some of his customs including welcoming us to the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people with a special smoking ceremony.

Uncle Ringo explained the importance of ceremony in their culture: “A smoking ceremony is our candle. It honours our ancestors, it keeps us safe and pulling the right direction. The smoke welcomes us, it heals us, it blesses us.”