Three people sitting in a boat wearing yellow hi-vis jackets smiling to camera

Three of our team members recently completed their Coxswain Grade 3 marine qualification in preparation for a salinity survey on the Murray River, Australia longest river system.

The Murray River runs 2576 kilometres across three states into the ocean at Goolwa in South Australia. 

For the past 20 years, Ventia has completed multiple surface and groundwater works, and bathymetry surveys on the Murray River and its surrounding catchments. 

The newly certified team members will conduct the survey to better identify salinity hot spots along the Murray River, with the data contributing to how we sustain our rivers and catchments for the next generation and beyond. 

Mark Pickles from Ventia's Sustainability & Environmental Management team said the data from the surveys enables Water Authorities to make more informed decisions regarding options for the management of our waterways that flow into the ocean. 

"Our teams will be surveying 300km along the river recording salinity and bathymetry readings and other key features of the river system." 

The data is then processed to enable authorities to better understand the health of our river systems contributing to catchments sustainability.

Newly qualified team member Stacey Moutafis is excited to put her new skills into action now she can safely operate a boat to carry out the survey. 

"The Coxswain course has given me the skills and confidence to conduct the survey with my colleagues and I look forward to collecting the data that will ultimately support decisions about the health of the Murray River." 

Various water authorities are constantly challenged on the quantity and quality of water that's available in our storages and river systems to support the sustainability of our catchments. Ongoing capture of accurate environmental data is required to enable better informed decisions for the management of water and our environment. 


Pictured at top: Stacey Moutafis, Paul Niebling and Bridget O'Connor (Left to Right)