Perth Train station

Some of the assets we keep clean for our clients in our Property Services business are straight forward. Others provide the team with a bit more of a challenge!

A great example of challenging assets are the three skylights located at Perth Station in Western Australia. 

Project Director Simon Smith says that finding a safe way to clean the glass skylights, which tower five meters over the station platforms, was a challenge they had to face. 

Simon explains that one of the most important factors of this job was the team's ability to perform the work safely. Simon's background in health and safety came in very handy for this! 

"As these skylights border the rail corridor, there were a number of significant considerations when it came to the way we could perform the work," he explains. "We'd have cleaners working at height on an elevated work platform, electrical isolations of live services and of course working after hours to accommodate transportation schedules." 

The development of a robust safe work method statement took a couple of months and a few rounds of reviews with the client to ensure it met all the requirements and would keep our people and members of the public safe. 

Cleaning was undertaken over four nights in July, and the results were pretty great, and Simon isn't just saying so himself! 

"The client was really happy with the results," Simon says. "As a consequence, they've asked us to review another of their cleaning challenges." 

By being innovative and using our expertise to come up with a safe and effective solution, we've opened the door to other opportunities.

Our team completed the complex cleaning over four nights in July.

Thanks to the Property Services project team, Dasuni Kurukulasooriya, Khloud Adem, Daniel Duque and Marius Eksteen, for their diligence in the approach and safe delivery of this project.

But wait, there's more!

The team aren't just great at innovating cleaning solutions, they are also able to respond quickly to client requests. 

At reasonably short notice, the Perth Airport Link was officially opened in early October and, along with thousands of members of the public, the Prime Minster, Anthony Albanese, and Premier Mark McGowan attended the opening event. This meant the stations needed to be in extra tip-top condition for their grand opening. 

With only a couple of days' notice, the team ensured that our client could be proud of the facilities they were showcasing to these VIP guests. 

Thanks to Krisynda Reale, Dasuni Kurukulasooriya and the Property Services team for their efforts.