Ventia Services Group Limited (Ventia) is focused on reducing our carbon footprint whilst providing you with timely corporate updates and disclosures.

As a Ventia Shareholder you can choose to receive documents relating to your shareholding electronically or in hard copy.  These documents include dividend statements, our Annual Report or Notice of Meeting. 

Receiving your shareholder communications electronically is the quickest and easiest way to stay informed and supports our commitment to minimising paper usage.  If you have not already, we encourage you to make the switch to paperless communications.
To elect how you would like to receive documents from us, simply go to Easy Update at and follow the prompts or contact Computershare as per the details below.

When using Easy Update or contacting Computershare, you will need your Security Reference Number (SRN) or your Holder Identification Number (HIN) and your postcode.  Both numbers are on your Issuer Sponsored/CHESS statements Notices of meetings

Important information relating to Notices of Meeting and Annual Reports

Notices of Meeting

Following the passing of the Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Act 2022 in February 2022, Ventia will issue Notices of Annual and General Meetings electronically where a Shareholder has provided a valid email address or has not made an election, unless the Shareholder has elected to receive a paper copy of these documents.

If you wish to receive paper copies of Notices of Meeting, please update your preferences at or contact Computershare (as per details below).  Alternatively, if you currently receive paper copies of Notices of Meeting and would prefer to receive them electronically, you can also update your preferences using the same process.

Annual Reports

Ventia will continue to issue Annual Reports to Shareholders who have previously elected to receive a hard copy.  Shareholders can elect not to receive an Annual Report (using the process above). All Shareholders can access our annual reports on the Ventia website at

Shareholder communications

Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd
GPO BOX 2975
Melbourne VIC 3000
P: +1300 855 080 (Toll free within Australia)
P: +61 (03) 9415 4000 (overseas)