Under Ventia’s Securities Dealing Policy, certain employees (called Restricted or Connected Persons, defined below) are not permitted to buy or sell Ventia shares at any time while they are in possession of “inside information” or during a “blackout period”.

A blackout period is a temporary interval designed to ensure that Restricted or Connected persons do not trade in Ventia shares during the preparation of our financial results.

The next blackout period will run from Tuesday 31 December 2024 - Thursday 20 February 2025, (being one business day after Ventia’s full year results for 2024 are released to the ASX and NZX).

Who are Restricted or Connected Persons?

Restricted Persons include Ventia Directors, the Managing Director & Group CEO, 1st, 2nd and 3rd line reports to the Group CEO & Managing Director.

Even if you are not a Restricted or Connected Person, but you are in possession of unpublished Ventia price-sensitive information (Inside Information), you must not buy/sell Ventia shares during the blackout period.

Connected Persons include a family member who may influence a Restricted Person in dealing in Ventia shares.

The above persons are not permitted to buy/sell in Ventia shares during this blackout period, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

For more information, please refer to our Securities Dealing Policy which documents the limitations on buying/selling Ventia shares or our Continuous Disclosure and Insider Trading Fact Sheet.